Thursday, August 2, 2012


Hello my luvs! It was a long day again for me, but im ready for blogging now :p

Alright, today im going to show you the body shop!
The body shop is my favorite store for buying make up, body lotion etc. Its a big store. I must really say that the products there are really expensive.. But its worth it! They have the best products i think. My best friend bought some stuff there last time. She said that the products are amazing. But she's not the only one. A lot of people buy their body things there cause its just amazing.

A lot of you should go there, the people there are really nice. I know its expensive, but for this store i would give out my whole money :p
For more things and stuff,  to order or to buy (dont know if you can order, but check it out) go to your next Body Shop store or visit (select your country)

See you luvs!

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